Hey! I’m glad you’re here.

I’m Grace, a long-time event producer turned chef running a one-woman show here in Sonoma, California.

While I spend lots of my time managing events, producing concerts, and now working on an organic ***farm***, I spend all of my waking daydream energy thinking about food. In Los Angeles, I began doing one-off cake gigs for my fellow retail girlies, which then turned into catering small birthday dinners, which then snowballed into catering full-fledged fundraising events. After moving to Sonoma last year, I began working with farms to build out food pantries to eliminate food waste, while starting Sonoma’s Queer Womxn’s Food Club.

Anyhoo, I’m centered on using in-season, high-quality, local ingredients for all of my projects, and I absolutely love working with clients to create something that is 100% unique to them and what they love.

Hit me with your wildest requests. We’ll make it happen.
